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Worship Duties

Church members are involved in a variety of ministries from things as simple as stocking supplies, to preparing the church bulletins.

If you are signed up for a Sunday and are unable to assist that day it is your responsibility to find a replacement. Thank you for your help in making our Sundays run smoothly. Check your Membership handbook for worship assistant lists and contact information. Your help is very much appreciated. Below dropdowns have descriptions of these tasks. Feel free to ask or inquire at the office if you have questions!


As Host & Hostesses, you are responsible for greeting people, welcoming them, and assisting with the comfort level of the Sunday morning worship. This can be accomplished by using these steps:

  1.  Greet and Share Bulletins. Please spread out into several areas such as the entry, the sanctuary doorways, etc.
  2. Welcome visitors by introducing yourself. Name tags are provided for you to assist with this. Also, please answer any questions and let the Pastor know that we have visitors.
  3. Please make sure the candles get lit. We are in the process of making a schedule for acolytes.
  4. Assist with offering and bring it forward to the alter.

Thank you for your willingness to volunteer to be Lay Reader!  This is a very important part of our service each Sunday!  Thank you very much for your ministry in this area of the Worship Service.  Please see instructions below to help you along:

  1.  Go to the front of the church (pulpit or lectern) just prior to the Call to Worship.
  2. Lead the Call to Worship as listed in the Sunday bulletin.
  3. Announce today’s scripture and the corresponding page number from the Sunday bulletin (if needed). At the end of the reading you may say, “The Word of God for the people of God”.
  4. The congregation response is either “Thanks be to God” or simply “Amen.”
  5. After that you may return to your seat.

Thank you for taking on the Trustee of the Week responsibilities! This is a very important

role in our church. We ask that you as Trustee of the Week be aware of the churches weekly needs, as well as the items listed below.

1. Setting the comfort level of the church for all weekly activities and Sundays.

2. Checking for water drips and/or leaks.

3. Unlocking doors when needed.

4. Removing snow and ice buildup; ice melt, salt, etc., especially on Sunday mornIng.


Thank you so much for doing the Power Point presentation! When you are the Power Point presenter, these are the things you need to remember and do:

  1. The Power Point person should arrive at church at least a half hour before the service starts.
  2. Prior to the service and presentation, prep your work by raising the screen, turning on the television, computer and projector, as needed.
  3. The Order of Worship, sent via email, will contain the scripture and songs being presented that Sunday.
  4. Slides with scripture printed out should come from the NIV version. You can use the website Bible Gateway Search.
  5. The slides should follow the Order of Worship.
  6. It’s a good idea to have a copy of the hymnals, these are available at the church; you can also find them in dropbox.
  7. Familiarize yourself with dropbox,, googIe images, etc.
  8. Please feel free to put your own “spin” and creativity on the presentation. That can be fun. Use appropriate backgrounds and fonts. Additional information can be found by googling the scripture, etc.
  9. If you have any questions you may call anyone on the list or feel free to talk to the Pastor as well.

It is your job to keep worship moving effectively and smoothly. Please arrive by 9:30am and be prepared to move through every area of our service. This will also help to get everything prepared and ready for service, which includes setting up special music, video/sound or other special needs. Do we need transition music?

  1. Please get the microphones ready for Pastor and assistants. Check the microphones at the front of the church to make sure they are on and ready.
  2. Assist our vocalist and Praise Team to get ready for the service. Turn on altar lights.
  3. At conclusion of the service make sure everything gets turned off including the radio switch and put away microphones.

Your role as a communion steward is one of utmost importance. You are preparing the Lord’s Table for His people. On Sunday morning, many will join together to pay honor and respect to our Savior as we remember what Christ did for us. Please be prayerful as you prepare this special meal.

  1. A whole loaf of French bread is used for the communion service. Grape juice is used for both the large and individual cups. If Pastor wants to use something different you will be notified before the service. You as the communion steward are to provide the bread and juice needed for the service.
  2. All communion essentials are located in the room behind alter area. The key to the door is hanging on the opposite wall above eye level. (The door is tricky keep trying). You will find the following items you will need on the shelves:
  3. Communion ware, Plastic cups, The cloths
  4. If we are out of something, please let the office know.
  5. There is a plastic bottle used to fill the cups. It works by squeezing. Fill 2 trays of small cups and the large cup half full. PLEASE RINSE THE BOTTLE COMPLETELY AND LEAVE CAP OFF TO ALLOW FOR DRYING.
  6. Drape a white cloth over the altar before placing the communion elements upon it. Do the following:
  7. Use a tray for the bread and place it in the front.
  8. Cups and trays to the left and the large cup to the right. Both items behind the bread.
  9. Cover the Supper with a white cloth.
  10. In the closet you will find garbage cans and liners. Place them on stands and near outside walls for worshipers to discard cups.
  11. When the service is over you will need to do the following:
  12. Remove Supper from altar and tidy up.
  13. Cloths should be folded and returned to their place – check first to see if laundering or stain care is needed. If so let Pastor know.
  14. Empty and discard the little cups.
  15. Communion ware should be wiped and returned to its place. There are special cloths for this.
  16. Dispose of used cups and put everything in its proper place.
  17.  Do not waste leftover juice and bread. You may consume – eat or drink -leftovers or return it to the ground for the birds, etc.
  18. You may prepare the supper the day before the service or before church begins that day. If you have any questions about any of this, please speak to Pastor Dorie.

 Thank you for participating in this important ministry!


Thanks for helping make coffee. You will oversee the Holy Spirit Cafe. It is the goal to have coffee started and ready by 9:15am on Sunday morning.

  1. Start with a pot of hot water to get the coffeemaker warmed up.
  2. Please keep 1 coffee pot and 1 server just for water. (You can tell by how they look inside)
  3. Make 1 pot of Regular Coffee
  4. Make 1 pot of Decaf Coffee
  5. Make 1 pot of the flavor Coffee you choose
  6. Make an additional pot of regular and pot of water to leave on the warmers to use as needed

To make –

  1. Use 1 1/2 scoops per pot, you may adjust according to your taste
  2. Filters can be found in the same cabinet as the coffee grounds
  3. Scoops & signs are in black drawers on the serving cart
  4. There is an opaque pitcher to use to refill pot – fill to line for each pot you make

To Serve –

  1. Put out the beverage mixes (hot cocoa, chai, and cappuccino (2), cups and the basket that contains lids, sugar, creamer, straws, tea bags, napkins, and the donation container.
  2. Cookies / treats are usually in the cabinet where the cups are. You are welcome to bake or bring your own.
  3. Garbage cans are under the sink. Put one out on the end of the counter, the other for your use by the sink.

Clean Up –

  1. Clean up can be done prior to service starting or after the service.
  2. After the service, give money to Mary or put in a bag labelled “Holy Spirit Cafe” and put with the offering.
  3. Zip-lock baggies a or covered containers are available to store the leftover cookies to keep fresh.
  4. Gather both garbage bags and take them outside to the containers on the west side of the church in the courtyard.
  5. Empty, wipe down, and put away each coffee server and serving spoons.
  6. Wipe the serving counters with a bleach wipe.
  7. Put all other items back in their place.
  8. Put the cabinets away with the doors facing the wall.

Contact Mary G if something is needed or if you have questions. Thank you for helping the Holy Spirit Cafe.


When you are the WA, you are responsible to help get the worship service started.

 This is done in the following steps:

  1. Read through and become familiar with the bulletin
  2. Check with the Pastor or Guest Pastor for additions or adjustments to announcements or highlighting special announcements.
  3. Share the announcements, schedules, upcoming events, etc. to help people to stay connected.
  4. Ask for any birthdays or anniversaries.
  5. Pastor or Guest Pastor will ask for joys or concerns. The WA will share the microphone.
  6. Assist with the offering as needed.

 Your assistance is appreciated. Thank you again for helping our service run smoothly!


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Menti / Mentimeter:

This tool is used during some of our church services to allow interaction over the overhead system!

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